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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
In this study, the effects of Need for Touch(NFT) level, which is one of the individual difference factors studied in the online purchasing environment, and the image presentation method which is one of environmental factors on the willingness to pay(WTP) were examined. In addition, the process of determining the willingness to pay along with each image presentation method was examined by revealing the double mediation effect of the vividness of mental imagery(VMI) and decision time(DT) between the relationship of the image presentation method and the willingness to pay. As a result of the experiment, the willingness to pay showed an interaction effect depending on need for touch level. In the group with high level of need for touch, it was found that the willingness to pay was higher when the static image was presented. And in the group with low level of need for touch, it was found that there was no difference whether the static or the rotation image was presented. As a result of examining the dual mediation effect of vividness of mental imagery and decision time, the relationship between the image presentation method and the willingness to pay was mediated by the route of ‘image presentation method → vividness of mental imagery → decision time → willingness to pay’. That is, in the case of static image, the vividness of mental imagery is low and accordingly the willingness to pay is increased as the decision time becomes longer.
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