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Psychological factors affecting self-perceptions of appearance and attitude toward cosmetic surgery: The role of social comparison and self-compassion


This study attempts to investigate the influence of psychological factors on self-perceptions of appearance and attitude toward cosmetic surgery. A survey study was performed with 323 female participants and examined the relationship between social comparison/self-compassion and self-perceptions of appearance, exposure to cosmetic surgery advertisements, social and cultural attitude toward appearance portrayed in mass media, and attitude toward cosmetic surgery. Path analysis was used to verify research hypotheses and results show that self-compassion affects self-perceptions of appearance and attitude toward cosmetic surgery as a precedent variable of social comparison orientation. Participants’ self-compassion is positively related to self-perceptions of appearance, but negatively related to social comparison orientation, exposure to cosmetic surgery advertisements, social and cultural attitude toward appearance, whereas participants’ social comparison orientation is positively related to exposure to cosmetic surgery advertisements and social and cultural attitude toward appearance portrayed in mass media. Also, it was found that exposure to cosmetic surgery advertisements is positively related to social and cultural attitude toward appearance portrayed in mass media which is negatively related to self-perception of appearance and thus, positively related to attitude toward to cosmetic surgery. Implications of the role of self-compassion were discussed in terms of appearance-related social comparisons and further research is suggested.

social comparison orientation, self-compassion, self-perceptions of appearance, attitude toward cosmetic surgery



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