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The Effect of Psychological Distance on preference of tourism package


Previous research have shown the effect of temporal distance in product evaluation, this article shows the effect of spatial distance and temporal distance on consumer evaluation and choice of tourism package, specially as destination is long distance or short distance, or, as the season of destination is similar or dissimilar with participant's country. According to past research, people focus on desirability attributes when they are distant psychological distance, they focus on feasibility attributes when they are near psychological distance. For example, desirability is as quality and core value of target and feasibility is as price of target and waiting time so an. This article used desirability(usage of national airplane, stay at 5 star hotel) and feasibility attributes(low price) throughout tourism package. To test hypothesis, study 1 tried to show the effect of spatial distance in the evaluation of tourism package, study 2 tried to show the effect of temporal distance on choice of tourism package. The findings revealed positive evaluation of high quality & high price package when the spatial distance is distant than near, the result reversed when the spatial distance is near than distant. To prove that people don't always prefer high quality & high price package when they go to trip in long distance place, we manipulated specially season as temporal distance. The findings revealed that participants in the opposite season condition(distant future) choose low quality & low price package than high quality & high price package. According to the result, temporal distance and spatial distance are very important to construct tourism package and this research offer practitioners with important insights into the effective marketing communication.

psychological distance, spatial distance, temporal distance, tourism package



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