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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influence the effectiveness of the Corporate social responsibility(CSR) Advertising. For this purpose, there is also a difference in the examined a CSR advertising attitude, purchase intent and CSR behavior according the CSR content, model attribute and message appeal type of CSR advertising. This study produced 3 × 2 × 2 factorial design through 12 CSR print advertisement, which was subjected to the experiment. The results were as follows. First, Although there was no difference in advertising effect according to the content of CSR advertising, advertising effectiveness differed according to model attribute and message appeal type. Second, in the CSR advertising, economic content and environmental content conditions, professional model attribute was higher a advertising effect and social content conditions, Celebrity model attribute was higher a advertising effect. Third, in the CSR advertising, economic content and environmental content conditions, informational strategy was higher a advertising effect and social content conditions, transformational strategy was higher a advertising effect. Fourth, Advertising effects on model attribute and message appeal type were not significantly different. The result of this study have implications as effective model attribute and message appeal to different types according to the CSR content when creating CSR advertising and it is also meaningful in that it provides practical value for the creating CSR advertising by providing the effectiveness considering the relevance between individual elements of CSR advertising.
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