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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study was intended to analyze the effects of brand logo prominence and brand type on brand attitude and purchase intention when consumers choose products, and furthermore to analyze the moderating effects of the needs for status consumption and gender. To do this, this study analyzed the brand attitude and purchasing intention of 272 university students in Busan area according to brand logo prominence(high/low), brand type(luxury/general), needs for status consumption(high/low), and gender. As a result of analysis, it was confirmed that the difference in logo prominence and brand type have the significant moderating effect of needs for status consumption and gender on the effects on the brand attitude and purchase intention. The effects of the brand prominence on the brand attitude and purchase intention were found in both high and low needs for status cinsumption. In addition, the effects of brand type on brand attitude and purchase intention were found to vary depending on the level of the needs for status consumption, and there was also gender difference. In conclusion of this study, the results of the study are summarized, and implications and limitations of this study and the directions of future studies are suggested.
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