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The effect of self-regulatory on small indulgence: Focusing on justification clue and scarcity message


‘Small indulgence’ refers to the indulgence did within a range that is not economically burdensome. For example, dessert is more expensive than lunch. This study focused on verifying the effects of continuous self-regulatory on small indulgence. First, Study 1 consists of Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, and how the justification clue to the preference of small indulgence(Experiment 1) and unfamiliar alternative(Experiment 2) according to the self-regulatory type(spontaneous vs. non-spontaneous). Specifically, Experiment 1 measured the preference of small indulgence in four conditions of self-control type(voluntary vs. non-voluntary) and justification clue(yes vs. no) for 111 college students. as a result of Experiment 1, when a justification clue was given, a small indulgence selection ratio was high. In addition, when there is no justification clue, there was no difference in the selection of small indulgence according to the type of self-regulatory, but when the justification clue was given, the spontaneous self-regulatory condition showed a small indulgence selection ratio higher than the non-spontaneous self-regulatory condition. Thus, the justification clue is a trigger for increasing the small indulgence of spontaneous self-regulatory consumers. Next, Experiment 2 measures the preference of familiar and unfamiliar alternatives in the same four conditions as experiment 1 for 120 college students. as a result of Experiment 2, the justification clue influences preferring a unfamiliar alternative more than a familiar alternative. In addition, the interaction effects of the justification clue and the self-regulatory type were statistically significant. In the general situation(ie, the control group), the spontaneous self-regulatory condition prefers an unfamiliar alternative, while when the justification clue was given(treatment group), the non-spontaneous self-regulatory condition prefers the unfamiliar alternative. Based on the results of Study 1, the justification clue leads to a higher rate of small indulgence of spontaneous self-regulatory, and a higher preference for unfamiliar alternative of non-spontaneous self-regulatory. To increase practical implications, Study 2 focused on verifying the moderating effect of scarcity message type(demand vs supply). Specifically, In Study 2, 107 college students measured purchase intention in four conditions according to self-control type(voluntary vs. non-voluntary) and scarcity message type(demand vs supply). in the case of spontaneous self-regulatory, a demand-side scarcity message that is easy to justify is effective, whereas in the case of non-spontaneous self-regulatory, a supply-side scarcity message that helps relieve stress and restore self-esteem is effective.

small indulgence, self-regulatory, justification clue, scarcity massage



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