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The Effect of Social Exclusion and Conspicuous Consumption on Purchase Intention towards the Donation-related Goods: Mediated Moderating Effect of Symbolic Gift


With the recent acceleration of the deepening of social competition, aging population and the spread of the individualistic disposition, the number of people who feel socially neglected has increased. The preceding studies argued that this experience of social exclusion could reduce their ability of altruistic action, and this study insists that additionally providing a symbolic gift that can visually show the fact of donation though it does not have any monetary, practical value would increase the ability of altruistic action. In addition, this study argues that this interaction effect between social exclusion and a symbolic gift is because propensity of conspicuous consumption propensity generated by the experience of social exclusion mediates this. As a result of an analysis of Experiment 1, people in a social exclusion group had a higher purchase intention when provided a donation bracelet that could symbolically prove the fact of donation additionally than in the condition where no gift was provided concerning donation-related goods of sneakers. In contrast, there was no difference in purchase intention of people in the social inclusion group between the condition in which a donation bracelet was provided and the condition in which it was not. In addition, as a result of an analysis of Experiment 2 to prove the mediation effect of propensity of conspicuous consumption, it turned out that the interaction effect of social exclusion and symbolic gift on the donation-related goods was mediated by propensity of conspicuous consumption. This study has academic and practical significance in that it demonstrated that the social exclusion group has an egoistic inclination like propensity of conspicuous consumption, however, providing people in the group with a symbolic gift can induce this egoistic inclination to an altruistic behavior of helping others consequently.

Social exclusion, Propensity of conspicuous consumption, Symbolic gift, Donation-related Marketing



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