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Emoticon effects in Brand Fan Page: Mediating role of brand perception and moderating role of consumer’s visit motivation


Emoticons in computer-mediated communication play a substitute for gestures, facial expressions which are used for non-verbal means of face-to-face communication. According to previous studies, emoticons have the characteristics of friendliness and lightness at the same time. Because of the nature of these emoticons, companies' use of emoticons in brand fan pages can have a positive or negative impact on consumers. Previous researches focused on emoticon use effect of interpersonal communication and they did not disclose emoticon use effect and psychological mechanism in communication situation between company and consumer. Therefore, this study examined the mediating role of emotional variables (warmth, competence, playfulness) and the moderating role of individual differences variable(consumer’s visiting orientation) in the brand fan page. As a result, it was found that when the company uses emoticons consumer perceive the warmth and playfulness of brand more highly. Also, consumer’s visiting orientation plays a moderating role in these relationships. Specifically, Consumers who are higher the motivation of relationship-seeking, the higher perceived warmth and playfulness of the brand when company use the emoticons. On the other hand, Consumers who are higher the motivation of information-seeking, perceived the competence for emoticon use lowerly. But rather they are perceived more competence when they are text based not using emoticons. Furthermore, these relationships have an important influence on consumer’s message trust and revisit intention. Finally, Based on the results of this study, we suggest implications for corporate emoticon communication strategy.

Brand Fan Page, Emoticon, Warmth, Playfulness, Compentence, Visiting Orientation



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