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Effect of Visual Presentation for Price Discount on Consumer Response


Price is an important factor in purchasing decisions. According to price research, people tend to interpret the same price differently depending on visual presentation(e.g. color, discount expression frames). Therefore, the purpose of this study is finding out the effect of visual presentation for price discount on consumer response. Specifically, considering that there is a common feature of distance judgment between depth perception and construal level theory, this study examined that whether visual cues such as color, font, bold, size, position, shadow and discount expression frames, influence discount perception. In addition, the effect of visual presentations was divided into two categories: attention and judgment. For measuring these two categories, entry time (attention), reaction time and choice (consumer response) were measured through eye-tracker. The results showed that visual cues affect attention and judgment: First, font and shadow significantly affect entry time. Second, font, bold, and position affect differences in reaction time regarding discount perception, and all of the visual presentations affect differences in choosing advertisement. Based on these results, theoretical and practical implications for effective presentation methods were discussed.

Price discount, Visual presentation, Construal level theory, Depth perception, Eye-tracker



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