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The Effect of Problematic Use of SNS on Consumer Psychological Well-being: The Moderating Role of Conspicuous Self-Presentation


The goal of this study is to examine the effect of problematic use of SNS on consumer psychological well-being. In particular, this study investigated the moderating role of conspicuous self-presentation. A total of 219 college students were asked to participate online survey for data collection. It was found that factors of problematic use such as relative deprivation, alienation, and skepticism about light relationships significantly negatively affected consumer psychological well-being. Also, factors such as repulsion of unwished communication, impulse of pretentious expression, and the lack of offline sociability showed significantly greater negative effect on psychological well-being when participants rated themselves engaging in higher conspicuous self-presentation behavior than lower conspicuous self-presentation behavior in SNS. This study provides theoretical and practical implications by identifying the complex interplay between problematic use of SNS and conspicuous self-presentation on consumer psychological well-being.

Social Network Service, Problematic use of SNS, Conspicuous Self-expression, Psychological Well-being



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