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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study was conducted to develop and validate a scale measuring a social exclusion experience of an individual. Based on the study of Gilman et al. (2013) who developed a scale to measure a response tendancy toward social exclusion, we developed and validated a Korean version of social exclusion experience scale items. The results of the exploratory and the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that the scale consists of 2 factors and each factor has 8 items. Then, it was confirmed that the social exclusion experience scale developed in this study shows a high level of convergent and discriminant validity with theoretically related constructs. In addition, we conducted a validation analysis of a short version of the two factors to achieve a parsimony of the scale. It was found that the short version of the scale consists of the same two factors as the original scale and each factor has 4 items. The usefulness of the Korean version of social exclusion experience scale and its implications for further research are discussed.
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