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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of the decision mode on the consumer's willingness to buy for Random Box. Specifically, it was intended to identify the effect of individuals' cognitive/affective decision-making styles and cognitive/affective decision mode induced by advertising messages on their willingness to purchase random box. Two studies were conducted and study 1 identified the mediating role of positive uncertainty and risk assessment with the decision-making styles on the willingness to purchase random box. Study 2 examined the effect of decision mode induced through advertising message and discount cue on positive uncertainty, risk assessment and willingness to purchase random box. Result indicated that willingness to purchase random box was mediated by positive uncertainty. Conditional mediation effect of discount cue and risk assesment were identified. It was found that in the discount cue condition, the difference between advertising message condition on the risk assessment and the willingness to purchase random box was reduced. The implications, limitations, and future research directions were discussed.
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