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Charity advertising: The influence of skin conductance level and ad viewing time on sympathy and the donation intention


Charity advertising leads to similar emotions through empathy, which makes one feel sympathy, and sympathy leads to acts of helping others. Previous studies have shown that changes in skin conduction when observing other people's pain are similar to when they suffer, and have confirmed that the level of skin conduction affects pro-social behavior. The purpose of this study is to seek if skin conductance levels affect sympathy and pro-social behavior, just as emotional experience through empathy leads to sympathy and pro-social behavior. In addition, charity advertising require empathy for negative emotions in general. Hence, may cause ad avoidance. Previous studies show that cognitive processing is effective as advertising time increases. Therefore, even if there is an avoidance of advertising, the advertising effect may vary depending on viewing time. Therefore, when advertising was avoided, the impact of ad exposure time on sympathy and donation intention was sought. Also, it was intended to confirm whether the ad-evoked negative emotion level moderate the influence of sympathy on the donation intention, and finally to confirm whether the ad-evoked negative emotion level moderate the mediation effect of SCL or viewing time on donation intention via sympathy. To this end, six donation advertisements were presented to 51 male and female undergraduates to measure the level of skin conduction level(SCL) and then a survey was conducted on sympathy and donation intention. Studies have shown that sympathy has a full mediated effect on the influence of skin conduction levels on donation intention, all of which have a positive(+) relationship. It was also shown that sympathy partially mediated the influence of viewing time on the donation intention, all of which also have a positive(+) relationship. Also, the ad-evoked negative emotion level moderated the influence of sympathy on donation intention, and we finally have confirmed mediated the mediation effect. Based on these findings, academic and practical implications and future research directions were discussed.

skin conductance, charity advertising, empathy, sympathy, viewing time



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