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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
To investigate the role of consumers’ cognitive load in online media environments, the current study seeks to investigate the effects of cognitive load, ad-content congruity, and ad placement on the effectiveness of online video advertising. Findings of the study reveal that there is a main effect of cognitive load on brand and ad recall. While there is a main effect of ad-content congruity on ad recall, the effect is shown to be only significant in the high cognitive load condition. However, the effect of ad-content congruity on brand recall is only significant when cognitive load is low. When video ad is placed between content (mid-roll ad placement), brand and ad recall is reported higher than when ad is placed prior to the content (pre-roll ad placement). Results show that the effect of ad-content congruity on ad recall is only significant in the mid-roll ad placement condition.
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