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The Effect of Self-Gift Motivation on Satisfaction: Focusing on the mediating effect of emotion and moderating effect of product type


In modern society, people are under a lot of stress at work or in their daily lives. For this reason, people try to make small happiness in their daily life. This phenomenon led to self-gift consumption behavior. This study examined the causal relationship between self-gift motivation, post-self-gift emotion, and post-purchase behavior. In addition, we investigated the moderating effect of product type on relationship between each motivation and emotions. Based on previous studies, the motivation for self-gift was classified into reward, comfort, extra money, and investment motivation, and the emotions after purchasing the self-gift were subdivided into pleasure, guilt, and regret. Behavior after purchase was measured as satisfaction and repurchase intention. A survey was conducted on consumers who had experience in self-gifting for less than $50 using Amazon Mechanical Turk, and the results of analyzing 473 copies of valid surveys using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 25.0 programs are as follows. First, reward motivation and extra money motivation have a positive effect on the pleasure after self-gift purchase. However, the investment motivation was found to have a negative effect on the pleasure afte self-gifting. The comfort motivation had no effect on the pleasure after purchase. Next, it was found that comfort motivation and investment motivation have a positive effect on guilt and regret after purchasing a self-gift. On the contrary, it was found that extra money motivation had a negative effect on guilt and regret after self-gifting. The reward motivation had no effect on guilt and regret after purchasing the self-gift. Second, plearue has been shown to have a positive influence on satisfaction. Conversely, the regret was found to have a negative impact on satisfaction, and the guilt has had no effect on satisfaction. In addition, it was found that satisfaction after purchasing a self-gift had a positive effect on repurchase intention. Third, the moderating effect of product type was verified in the relationship between self-gift motivations and emotions. Specifically, it was revealed that the path difference between reward motivation, investment motivation, extra money motivation and pleasure was significant. The influence of reward motivation on pleasure was stronger after self gifting experience goods than material goods. On the other hand, the influence of extra money motivation on pleasure was stronger in the condition of purchasing material goods than in experience goods. The influence of investment motivation on enjoyment was stronger in experiential goods than in material goods, but it was found to have a negative effect. Lastly, there was no difference between product types in terms of the influence of comfort motivation on each emotion.

self-gift, self-gift motivation, emotion, satisfaction, repurchase intention, product type



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