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The Effect of moral and social norm on the control type of eco-friendly behavior: comparison of implicit and explicit behavior


This study was conducted to identify the influence of norm and locus of control on eco-friendly behavior. The norm was classified as the moral and social norm, the locus of contrjol was classified as internal and external control. The attitude toward eco-friendly behavior was also measured separately with the implicit and external attitude to compare two kinds of attitude depending on the locus of control. The result of the study showed that moral norm was found to be meaningful in the verification of implicit attitude toward eco-friendly behavior by locus of control but social norm was found to be ineffective. An analysis of the effect of the type of norm on the attitude of explicit eco-friendly behavior by internal control showed that the influence of moral norm was meaningful, but social norms was meaningless. The influence of norm on explicit eco-friendly behavior attitude by external control was shown to be meaningful in both moral and social norm, and the relationship between moral norm and eco-friendly behavior attitude by external control was shown to be negative. The correlation between implicit and explicit attitudes toward eco-friendly behavior by locus of control was analyzed to see how the responses on eco-friendly behavior attitudes vary depending on the controlled materials. The result showed that the correlation between ST-IAT and explicit attitude toward eco-friendly behavior by locus of control was statistically low and meaningless. What this means is that individuals' attitudes toward eco-friendly behavior can be different according to cognitive information processing. The result of the study will be helpful in the development of government’s policy and specific action plan for promoting eco-friendly behavior.

moral norm, social norm, internal control, external control, ST-IAT, eco-friendly behavior



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