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A Study on the Structural Relationshipsbetween Visuals and Copies in Magazine Ads


This study proposes a new framework which analyzes styles in print ads based on structural relationships between visuals and copies. The framework classifies print ads into unframed ads and framed ads. Unframed ads refer to ads with visuals and copies that are not related each other or ads with visual only whereas framed ads refer to ads whose visuals and copies are related each other. Framed ads include product display ads, redundancy/anchoring ads, association ads, and causation ads. This study performed a content analysis of 668 ads in 20 general affairs and women's magazines in terms of visual-copy relationship, product type and consumption value. Results show that 6% of the sampling ads are unframed ads and 94% are framed ads and the proportion of product display ads is relatively high in search goods whereas causation ads and redundancy/anchoring ads capture relatively high portion in experience goods and credence goods, respectively. Also the proportion of causation ads is significantly higher in utilitarian goods than hedonic goods whereas the proportion of visual only ads is significantly higher in hedonic goods than utilitarian goods. It is expected that the findings of visual-copy relationships will provide important theoretical and practical implications for consumer information processing and creative strategies.

visual-copy relationships, product type, content analysis, magazine ads



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