open access
메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
Collections of Semisulcospira snails and crayfishes were made to detect out larval trematodes in Bogil Islet, Wando-Gun, Chonra-Nam-Do, Korea in August, 1985. In addition, intradermal test to figure out the prevalence rate of paragonimiasis in the islanders was also carried out. The results are summarized as follows: 1) Nineteen out of 186 examinees(10.2%) showed positive reactions by intradermal test with Paragonimus antigen. 2) Forty four snails out of 182 snails collected were infected with trematode cercariae. These larvae were Metagonimus sp., Cercaria yoshidae, Cercaria incerta and Cercarianipponensis. 3) Metacercarial incidence of Paragonimus westermani in crayfish was 65.4%. Mean number of metacercariae per crayfish was 6.5.