open access
메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
진동해역의 수질환경은 저수온기에는 수질 2등급에 해당하였으나, 고수온기에는 3등급 기준치를 초과하고 있다 . 특히 여름철 저층 DO는 현저하게 감소하여 0.2-3.2 mg/l의 범위로 현저한 빈산소상태를 이루고 있었다. 만의 서부가 낮고 특히 가장 외해측에 위치한 조사정점 1의 DO가 가장 낮았다. 하계 진동해역의 DO농도에 영향을 주는 요인을 찾고자 해역의 여름철 화학환경특성을 Pearson 상관분석한 결과, DIN (-0.833), DIP (-0.948) 및 염분농도 (-0.984) 가 강한 부상관 관계를 보이고, SS (0.732)는 정상관관계였다 (p
Seawater and sediment quality analysed was calculated to examinate the present environmental characteristics and pollution load was also calculated to evaluate the effect of farming area on the coastal environment. The measurements for seawater quality demonstrate the coastal environment has relatively eutrophicated with significantly decreased DO (0.2-8.5 mg/l) and elevated COD (9.6-31.2 mg/l) in summer. It was also evident that the water quality in Jindong Bay has been influenced by residues tide from Masan Bay with high metal concentration in August of 2002. Annual total pollution load (land and farm-driven) was estimated at 37,316 ton (SS) /yr: 9,809 ton/yr (26.3%) of land-driven load, 23,576 ton/yr (63.2%) of coastal sedimentation and 3,932 ton/yr (10.5%) of feces of cultural organisms. When all ark shell seedling farms are permitted species conversion to ascidian farm, the pollution load would increase by 196%, which may be another source for accelerating the eutrophication of the environment in Jindong Bay.