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메뉴참전복 (Haliotis discus hannai) 의 소화관은 치설낭, 식도, 소낭, 위, 장(전장, 중장, 후장), 항문과 부속기관인 간췌장으로 구성되어 있었다. 소화관 상피층은 원주형 섬모상피, 점액세포 및 과립세포들로 구성되어있었으며, 상피층의 두께는 소낭이 90.80 μm로 가장 두꺼웠다. 점막상피에서 점액세포가 차지하는 면적은 식도에서 가장 높았으며, 점액세포의 점액물질은 식도, 전장, 중장, 후장에서는 산성 및 중성의 뮤코다당류였으며, 소낭과 위의 점액물질은 지방성분으로 조사되었다.
The digestive system of the abalone, Haliotis discus hannai consists of radula sac, esophagus, crop, stomach, intestine (anterior, mid and posterior intestine) and hepatopancreas. The epithelial layer was composed of ciliated columnar cells, mucous cells and granular cells. And epithelium thickness of the crop was thicker (90.80 μm) than those of other regions. Mucous cells of PAS positive in the esophagus were more advanced than those of other regions. The contents of mucous cell were neutral and acid mucosubstance in the esophagus and the anterior, mid and posterior intestine. And it seem to be lipid in the crop and stomach.
In this study, the food selection of abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, on four various diets, Ulva pertusa, Laminaria japonica, Navicula spp., and artificial diet, was investigated. The abalones in Ulva pertusa and Navicula spp groups had the higher migration rate than the others. The artificial group had the lowest migration rate. As to the growth, Ulva pertusa group had the highest daily increment and the growth rate, which is 120.7 <TEX>${\mu}$</TEX>m and 2.41%. The value of Navicula spp. group is 102.0 <TEX>${\mu}$</TEX>m and 2.04% and that of Laminaria japonica group is 88.7 <TEX>${\mu}$</TEX>m and 1.77%. The lowest one is 81.7 <TEX>${\mu}$</TEX>m and 1.63%, which appeared at the artificial diet group. We suggest that, when breeding Haliotis discus hannai and the diets which is easy to be ingested and digested, as well as contains much nutrient content, should be used. If the artificial diet is used, it should contain low concentration of flesh-eating content.
The compositions of amino acid in 6 monocultured benthic diatoms used in aquaculture of Haliotis discus hannai were analyzed, and effects of 15 artificial synthetic amino acids on the settlement and metamorphosis of H. discus hannai larvae. Results showed that the content of L-aspartic acid was highest in all diatoms, and that of L-glutamic acid was second high. In experiment using settlement slat without benthic diatom attached, the highest settlement rate (33.3 <TEX>${\pm}$</TEX> 8.8%) was obtained with L-glutamic acid, and a higher value (16.7 <TEX>${\pm}$</TEX> 3.3%) was found with L-aspartic acid at 24 h after experimental commencement, compared to that of control (8.6 <TEX>${\pm}$</TEX> 5.1%). 80 h later the metamorphosis rates of L-glutamic acid (86.7 <TEX>${\pm}$</TEX> 10.7%) and L-aspartic acid (80.0 <TEX>${\pm}$</TEX> 3.3%) groups were higher than control group(0) and other amino acids significantly. The response rate of L-glutamic acid was the highest (62.0%), and those of L-aspartic acid (30.0%) and L-threonine (25.3%) groups were also significantly higher than control group. In the experiment using settlement slat with benthic diatom attached, the best effect of various amino acids on induction of larval settlement was obtained with L-glutamic (82.0 <TEX>${\pm}$</TEX> 6.9%) and L-aspartic acid (78.7 <TEX>${\pm}$</TEX> 5.1%) at 24 h after experimental commencement. The settlement rates of L-histidine, L-leucine, L-lysine, L-methionine, L-phenylalanine, and L-tyrosine groups were significantly lower than control group. The same differences in the metamorphosis rate at 56 h after experimental commencement and in the response rate were found. It should be noted that after 80 h the metamorphosis rates of L-histidine (74.0 <TEX>${\pm}$</TEX> 12.0%) and L-lysine (87.0 <TEX>${\pm}$</TEX> 8.8%) declined rapidly compared to those of 56 h (8.0 <TEX>${\pm}$</TEX> 12.0%; 7.7 <TEX>${\pm}$</TEX> 12.0%).
The effect of broodstock age on the spawning performance of cultured abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, was assessed for five age groups (3, 4, 5, 6, 7 years old). Spawning performance of the five age groups was assessed in terms of the percentage of spawning abalone, eggs per spawning female, fertilization rates, hatch rates and attachment rates per spawning. The percentage of spawning abalone increased along with broodstock age, reached maximum in female groups of 5- and 6-year age (60%), and in male group of 6-year age (100%), subsequently decreased in 7-year age group. The number of eggs produced per spawning also increased with broodstock age, and the maximum was found in 6-year age. Although the number of spawned eggs for the oldest abalone declined, it still spawned much more eggs than 3, 4, and 5 years old females. The fertilization and hatch rates were obviously larger for 4-6 years old group than the younger and older abalones. The maxima were found in 5-year age group (96.0% and 84.5%), and the minimum were appeared in 7-year age group (79.3% and 58.2%). The attachment rate increased with broodstock age, reached maximum in 6-year age group (33.6%), although the increment gradually declined. The attachment rate for 7-year age group rapidly decreased (16.6%). These results suggested that broodstock age affected the spawning performance of H. discus hannai, which peaked between 5 and 6 years old, and broodstock should be bred during this period for hatchery production.
Morphological aspects of the eggs and egg capsules of the neptune whelk, Neptunea constricta (Dall, 1907) (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Buccinidae) are described and illustrated with capsular dimension and enumerations of eggs and egg capsules based on the specimens collected from continental shelf of East Sea, Korea.
동해 중부 해안 하천에 서식하는 기수산 재첩의 자원관리와 인공종묘 생산을 위한 생식생물학적 조사를 위해 2000년 11월부터 2001년 10월까지 강원도 양양군 소재 남대천 하구에서 매월 30-40 개체씩 채집하여 성장, 생식소지수, 배우자 형성과정 및 생식주기, 성비 등을 조사하였다. 강원도 일본재첩은 자웅이체 난생종으로 암컷의 생식소는 회흑색, 수컷의 생식소는 유백색을 띄어 육안적으로 86% 이상의 구별가능성을 보였다. 성숙한 난모세포는 약 80 μm 직경을 보였다. 생식주기는 초기활성기 (4-6월), 후기활성기 (5-6월), 완숙기 (6-9월), 부분산란기 (6-9월), 퇴화 (9-1월) 및 비활성기 (2-4월)의 연속적인 5 단계로 구분할 수 있었다. 비교적 긴 산란기를 보였으며, 방란방정 후 생식소 자체가 완전히 퇴화되지 않고 새로운 조직에서 신생되면서 남부지방산보다 늦은 이듬해 4월까지 긴 비활성기를 거치고 4월 중순부터 다시 분화가 활발히 개시되었다. 생식소지수는 생식주기의 변동과 일치하였으며 연중 395 개체 중 자웅동체 현상은 1 개체에서 관찰되었다. 95% 신뢰한계 내에서 암컷 대 수컷의 성비는 1:1로 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다 (χ2 = 1.22, p > 0.05).
Reproductive cycle and sex ratio of the marsh clam Corbicula japonica, a oviparous clam, were investigated monthly by histological observation. Samples were collected in brackish water of Namdae stream on the east coast of Korea from November 2000 to October 2001. It was able to devide the reproductive cycle of this species into five successive stages; early active (April to June), late active (May to June), ripe (June to August), partially spawned (June to September), spent (September to January) and resting stage (February to April). The spawning period was from July to September, and the main spawning occurred between August and September when seawater temperatures reached above 26℃. Mature eggs of Corbicula japonica were 60-70 μm in diameter. The sex ratio of individuals over 10.1 mm in shell length was about 1:1 (χ2 = 1.22, p > 0.05).
1999년 1월부터 12월까지 매월 충남 보령연안에 서식하는 살조개 총 2,591 개체를 채집하여 연령과 성장에 관하여 조사하였다. 살조개의 패각에 나타나는 윤문은 연 1회 형성되었으며, 윤문형성 시기는 2-3월 중인 것으로 조사되었다. 각고(SH)에 대한 각장 (SL), 각폭 (SW) 및 총중량 (TW) 사이의 상대성장 관계는 각각 SL = 1.1067 SH + 1.778, SW = 0.6758 SH - 0.9824, TW = 0.0007 SH2.8919이었고, 연령 (t) 에 대한 각고와 총중량으로부터 구한 von Bertalanffy 성장식은 SHt = 81.546(1-e-0.176(t+0.381)),TWt = 227.65(1-e-0.176(t+0.381))2.8919이었다.감사의 말씀이 논문은 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 연구비 (2003) 지원에 의해 연구된 결과입니다.
Age and growth of the the Jedo venus clam, Protothaca jedoensis were investigated using samples from the subtidal zone of Boryeong, Chung- cheongnam-do, Korea from January to December, 1999. The relationship between shell height and ring radius in each group was expressed as a regression line. Therefore, it could be recognized that there is a correspondence in the formation of each ring. Based on the monthly variation of the marginal index of the shell, it was suggested that the annual ring mark formation occurred during the period of February to March once a year. The relationship between shell height (SH) and total weight (TW) was represented by the non-linear equation: TW = 0.0007 SH2.8919, and also in the relationship between shell length (SL) and shell height (SH), shell height (SH) and shell width (SW) were represented by the linear equations: SL=1.1067SH+1.778, SW=0.6758SH-0.9824. Growth curves for shell height and total weight fitted to the von Bertalanffy equation were expressed as:SHt = 81.546(1-e-0.176(t+0.381)), TWt = 227.65(1-e-0.176(t+0.381))2.8919.
벗굴의 인공종묘생산 기술개발 확립의 일환으로 유생사육조건인 수온별, 밀도별, 먹이별, 염분별에 따른 성장 및 생존관계를 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 실내 자연수온 (18℃-22℃), 24℃, 28℃ 및 32℃의 수온별에 따른 성장은 실험개시 시 평균 각장, 각고가 각각 136.0, 120 μm였던 D형 유생이 사육 후 8일까지는 시험구별의 성장 차이는 나타나지 않았으나 사육 12일 째부터는 성장 차를 보이며 부착기인 20일에는 각장이 실내 자연수온구에서 275.0 μm (성장율 202.2%), 24℃구에서 327.0μm (240.4%), 28℃구에서 349.0 μm (256.6%) 및 32℃구에서는 165.0 μm (121.3%) 로 28℃에서 가장 높은 성장율을 나타내었다.수온별의 최종생존율은 실내 자연수온구 (18-22℃) 에서 16.0%, 24℃에서 32.0%, 28℃에서 13.0%, 32℃에서 0%로 24℃에서 32.0%로 가장 생존율이 양호하였다.사육밀도에 따른 성장은 2 개체/ml구 (228.1%), 5 개체/ml구 (203.9%), 10 개체/ml구 (181.7%), 20 개체/ml구 (174.5%) 로 성장하여 밀도가 가장 낮은 2개체/ml구에서 228%로 가장 높은 성장을 보였으며 생존율도 각각 29.0%, 28.0%, 13.0%, 9.0%로 밀도가 낮은 순으로 높게 나타났다.먹이생물 공급에 대한 벗굴 유생의 성장은 Isochrysis galbana, Chaetoceros calcitrans 및 Tetracellmis suecica의 3종을 혼합 공급한 실험구에서 가장 높게 나타났으며 최종 성장율은 208.4%였다. 생존율도 Isochrysis galbana, Chaetoceros calcitrans 및 Tetracellmis suecica의 3종을 혼합 공급한 실험구에서 38.8%로 가장 높은 생존율을 보였다. 염분에 따른 유생의 성장은 최초 평균 각장이 132.0 μm인 D형 유생이 시험종료 시에는 25 psu에서 303.0 μm (229.5%). 30 psu는 318.0 μm (240.9%), 35 psu는 298.0μm (225.7%), 40 psu가 181.0 μm (137.1%)로 성장하여 30 psu에서 가장 높은 성장을 나타냈다.염분별의 최종생존율은 25 psu에서 31.0%, 30 psu는 28.0%, 35 psu는 11.0%, 40 psu가 0% 순으로 25 psu에서 가장 높게 나타났다.감사의 글이 논문은 해양수산부에서 지원한 동의대학교 수산특정연구사업비에 의해 수행된 결과의 일부로 이에 감사드립니다.
For the effective seedling production of flat oyster, Ostrea denselamellosa, dietary value of live food, densities, water temperature and salinity on growth and survival rate of the larvae were examined. In rearing larvae by feeding them phytoplankton diets, the optimal survival rate and growth rate of larvae were found using a mixed phytoplankton diet which was mixed with Isochrysis galbana, Chaetoceros calcitrans and Chlorella sp. The highest growth and survival rates of the larvae were 208.4% and 38.8% with the phytoplankton diet. In growth and survival rates of larvae with various rearing densities, the highest survival and growth rates were 228.1% and 29.0% at the density of 2 individuals/ml.In observing rearing experiments of the flat oyster larvae under various temperature conditions, average growth rates of the larvae in respect to shell length were 202.2%, 240.4%, 250.6% and 121.3% in natural water temperatures (18-22℃), 24℃, 28℃ and 32℃, respectively. And average survival rates of the larvae were 16.0%, 32.0%, 13.0% and 0% in natural water temperatures (18-22℃), 24℃, 28℃ and 32℃, respectively. In rearing at various salinities, the highest growth rates of the larvae in shell length was 240.0% at 30.0 psu and the highest survival rate was 31.0% at 25 psu.
우리나라 남해안의 남면, 회진 및 돌산의 3개 해역에서 해만가리비의 사육기간 중 수온은 10.4-25.5℃로 해역별 수온차이는 크지 않았으며, 염분은 25.00-31.17 psu, 용존산소는 최저 6.13 mg/l 이상으로 해만가리비 성장에 적합한 범위였다. Chlorophyll-a는 1.69-7.40 μg/l로 낮은 농도를 보인 시기도 있었다. 6-8월 해만가리비 성장기에 phytoplankton 우점종은 성장이 좋았던 남면에서는 편모조류인 Ceratium sp.가 35.2%, 회진에서는 Ceratium sp.가 25.5% 출현하였으나, 성장이 낮았던 돌산에서는 규조류인 Chaetoceros sp.가 40.4%로 우점하였다. 플랑크톤의 밀도는 대체적으로 8-9월에 높았고, 10월에 낮았다.해만가리비의 치패를 대상으로 185일간의 사육한 결과, 각고는 남면 0.19 mm/day, 회진 0.18 mm/day, 돌산 0.16 mm/day였고, 전중량은 남면 0.16 g/day, 회진 0.16 g/day, 돌산 0.13 g/day였다. 각고의 일간성장률은 남면이 0.606%, 회진 0.581%, 돌산 0.549%였고, 전중량의 일간성장률은 남면에서는 1.972%, 회진에서는 1.857%, 돌산에서는 1.746%였다. von Bertalanffy 성장모델에 의해 얻어진 각고의 최대 예상값은 각각 52.62 mm (남면), 51.74 mm (회진), 48.91 mm (돌산)였다. 생존율은 남면이 87.0%로 가장 높았으나, 회진 및 돌산은 11월 이후 급감하였다.
Water temperature during the culturing period was 10.4-25.5℃ and there was a little difference between rearing sites. Salinity (25.00-31.17 psu) and DO (over 6.13 mg/l) showed reasonable condition for the growth of bay scallop. Concentrations of chlorophyll-a were ranged 1.69-7.40 μg/l, and they fluctuated monthly in the every sampling site. During the growing period from June to October, dominant phytoplankton species were Ceratium sp. in Nammeon and Hoejin, Chaetoceros sp. in Dolsan. Density of phytoplankton was high in July, August and October, but it was low in September and November.When young bay scallops were cultured for 185 days in Nammyeon, Hoejin and Dolsan, shell heights were grown for 0.19 mm/day, 0.18 mm/day and 0.16 mm/day, respectively, and total weights were increased 0.16 g/day, 0.16 g/day and 0.13 g/day, respectively. Daily growth rates of shell height were 0.606%, 0.581% and 0.549%, and daily growth rates of total weight were 1.972%, 1.857% and 1.746%, respectively. Maximum predicted values of shell height calculated by von Bertalanffy growth model were 52.62 mm, 51.74 mm and 48.91 mm, respectively. Survival rate was the highest in Nammyeon (87.0%), but the rates in Hoejin and Dolsan sharply decreased after November.
2001년 1월부터 2001년 12월까지 전라북도 김제시 심포 앞바다에서 각장 18.6-52.7 mm의 가무락조개 (Cyclina sinensis) 를 대상으로 자원증식 및 적정 관리를 위해 조직학적 방법에 의해 생식소발달단계에 따른 생식주기와 군성숙도를 조사하였고 인공산란 유도에 의해 산란량과 산란빈도를 조사하였다. 생식소 발달단계에 따른 생식주기를 조직학적으로 조사한 결과 가무락조개의 생식주기는 초기활성기 (2-4월), 후기활성기 (3-6월), 완숙기 (5-8월), 부분산란기 (7-9월), 퇴화 및 비활성기 (9-2월) 의 연속적인 5단계로 구분할 수 있었다. 7월부터 산란하기 시작하여 9월 중순까지 일어났고 산란성기는 7-8월이었다. 각장 25.1-30.0 mm인 암컷 개체들의 군성숙도는 64.3%이었고, 각장 40.1 mm 이상인 개체들의 군성숙도는 100%이었다. 인공산란 유도에 의해 각 개체들로부터 방란된 난수는 개체들의 각장이 증가됨에 따라 증가되었다. 2차 산란유도에 의해 방란된 평균 난수는 1차 산란수의 평균 76.87%이었다. 가무락조개의 각 산란 간격은 대략 15-17일 (평균 16.5) 이었고, 한 산란기 중 2회 이상의 산란이 일어날 것으로 추정되었다. 감사의 말씀이 논문은 군산대학교 해양개발연구소 학술연구비 지원에 의해 연구된 것입니다. 본 논문의 원고정리에 도움을 준 군산대학교 해양생명과학부 김은종 군에게 감사드립니다.
Reproductive cycle with the ovarian developmental phases, first sexual maturity of the female venus clam, Cyclina sinensis, was investigated by a histological study, and the number of spawned eggs and spawning frequency by artificial spawning induction of the clams were estimated. Samples were collected from the intertidal zone of Simpo, Gimje city, Korea between January and December, 2001. The reproductive cycle of this species can be classified into five successive stages; early active (February to April), late active (March to June), ripe (May to August), spent (July to September), and spent and inactive (September to February). The spawning period was once a year between July and August, a spawning peak was seen in July and August. Percentages of first sexual maturity of female clams of 25.1-30.0 mm in shell length were 64.3%, and 100% for the clams > 40.1 mm. The number of the eggs released from each clam by spawning induction increased as the size of clam in terms of shell length increased. The mean number of the eggs released from the second induction of spawning was 76.87% of the number of the eggs released in the first spawning. Our data indicated that the interval of each spawning was estimated to be approximately 15-17 (average 16.5) days.
진동해역의 수질환경은 저수온기에는 수질 2등급에 해당하였으나, 고수온기에는 3등급 기준치를 초과하고 있다 . 특히 여름철 저층 DO는 현저하게 감소하여 0.2-3.2 mg/l의 범위로 현저한 빈산소상태를 이루고 있었다. 만의 서부가 낮고 특히 가장 외해측에 위치한 조사정점 1의 DO가 가장 낮았다. 하계 진동해역의 DO농도에 영향을 주는 요인을 찾고자 해역의 여름철 화학환경특성을 Pearson 상관분석한 결과, DIN (-0.833), DIP (-0.948) 및 염분농도 (-0.984) 가 강한 부상관 관계를 보이고, SS (0.732)는 정상관관계였다 (p
Seawater and sediment quality analysed was calculated to examinate the present environmental characteristics and pollution load was also calculated to evaluate the effect of farming area on the coastal environment. The measurements for seawater quality demonstrate the coastal environment has relatively eutrophicated with significantly decreased DO (0.2-8.5 mg/l) and elevated COD (9.6-31.2 mg/l) in summer. It was also evident that the water quality in Jindong Bay has been influenced by residues tide from Masan Bay with high metal concentration in August of 2002. Annual total pollution load (land and farm-driven) was estimated at 37,316 ton (SS) /yr: 9,809 ton/yr (26.3%) of land-driven load, 23,576 ton/yr (63.2%) of coastal sedimentation and 3,932 ton/yr (10.5%) of feces of cultural organisms. When all ark shell seedling farms are permitted species conversion to ascidian farm, the pollution load would increase by 196%, which may be another source for accelerating the eutrophication of the environment in Jindong Bay.