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메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
The electrophoretic and innunological cnalyses of organic matrices in the shells of freshwater bivalves were made in order to dlucidate the biochemical characteristics and species-specific differinces of the applied shells, The water-soluble and insoluble matrices of four species of freshwater bivalves, Andodonta fukudai, Unio douglasiae, Lanceolaria and Chrbicula fluminea, were used as analytical materials, There was non-identity in immuno affinity between anti soluble matrix(anti-Sm) and anti insoluble matrix(anti-ISM)sera against the organic matrix of Andodnta fukudai. The SMs of four species (S. fukudai, U.douglasiae, L. acrorhyncha, and C. fluminea) showed the differences in the precipitate arcs at the level of family, though ISMs did mot show differences. In the electrophoretic analysis, all foru species had two SDS-electrophoretic bands of SM, of which molecular wights appeared to be lower than 55,000, shereas the native organic matrices of foru speceis had higher molecular weighrs than those from SDS-dldctrophoresis. Only calcium ion among many ions in extrapallial fluid(EPF) caused SM to change into insoluble molecules, thus the EPF pretreated with Ca++did not form the precipitate arc when did the immuno diffusion whth anti SM serum. ISM precursor may be polymerized into macromolecules like periostracin, a precusor of periostracum, judging from the similat polymerization patterns in 0.1M Tris formate buffer(pH 3); they may be made insoluble macromolecules due to their strong natrue of hydrophobicity.
The melaniid snails belonging to genus Semisulcospira were collected in the Kangwha and Yonchon areas of Korea in 1986 through 1987 in order to carry out a cytotaxonomic study, The snails were first narcotized with menthol and fixed with 70% ethyl alcohol for morphological identification. The gonads of adult snails were used for chromosome analyses by the technique of Imai et al. (1977) with minor modification. Slide preparations were observed under high power fields using a Leitz light miscroscope. The results obtained in the present stuedy are summarized as follows: 1)The sanils collected from Kangwha and Yonchon areas were identified as Semisulcospira forticosta(Martens, 1886)and S. gottschei (Martens, 1886) respectively.2)No specific differences were obwerved in details of the chromosome cycle between S. forticosta and S. gottschei.3) Diploid chromosome numbers observed at mitotic metaphase were 36. There was no difference in chromosome numbers between S. forticosta and S. gottschei.4) There were morphological differences in the karyotypes of the two species. The spermatogonial metaphase karyotype of S. forticosta consists of six pairs of metacentric, eleven pairs of submetacentric, and one pair of acrocentric chromosomes. The spermatogonial metaphase karyotype of S. gottschei consists of five pairs of metacentric, tselve pairs of submetacentric, and one pair of acrocentric chromosomes. Summarizing the aboxe results, the two species of Semisulcospira employed in this study have same chromosome numbers(2n=36)with different karyotypes.
Morphological variations of six Korean and one Japanese populations of Parafossarulus manchouricus were observed. Mean length of shell was 9.36mm(n=376), and mean width was 8.0mm. Average aperture length and width were 4.72 and 3.78mm, respectively. Number of whorl ranged from 3.5 to 5.25(at most 4.5)in all popuiations . Yangsoori population had no spiral line or spiral keel, but ther populations had spiral lines. Number of spiral line on their penultimate shorls ranged 4 to 14.The lips of aperture were generally thickened, except in some Chongpyong, Haman and Fukuoka populations. The most of shell was eroded in only apex part and/ or in othker sculpture, especially Yangsoori population was heavily eroded.
담수 저서 생물군 중의 하나인 연체동물은 인간 생활에 있어 매우 중요하다. 이들은 먹이사슬(food chain)과 깊이 연관되어 있고 하상 퇴적물의 찌꺼기를 섭취하는 청소자로서의 역할 뿐 아니라 안간의 식용으로 이용되기도 한다. 어떤 종은 생태학적 지표종으로서의 역할을 하며, 어떤 종들은 지리적 특성과 연관성을 연구하는데 대상이 될 뿐 아니라 과거의 수계 형성과정을 추정하는데 중요한 역할을 한다. 부정적 측면으로는 한국 담수산 권패류의 몇몇 종류는 인체의 흡충류 기생충을 전달하는 그들의 역할 때문에 실제 문제시 되고 있다. 그들의 이 같은 중요성에도 불구하고, 한국산 담수 연체동물에 대한 깊은 연구가 이루어지지 않고 있는바, 이는 부분적으로 한국에 서식하는 연체동물상을 동정함에 있어 쉽게 이용될 수 있는 적당한 분류체계가 부족하였기 때문이다. 본 논문의 첫째 목적은 한국산 담수 권패류를 속(genus)수준까지 동정할 수 있는 색인을 마련하고 그 분류기준을 세우는데 있으며, 둘째로는 한국산 담수 권패류에 대한 광범한 문헌을 수집하고 중요한 문헌의 순서에 따라 그 내용을 간략히 요약하여 앞으로의 연구자득에게 도움을 주고자 한 것이다.