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메뉴ISSN : 1225-3480
Geochemical and benthic foraminiferal analyses of sediments (core and surface) were conducted in an abalone farm located at Pyeongil-do, Wando-gun, to understand the degree to which the abalone farming affect the benthic environment and ecology, and relativity to sedimentary environment. The C/S ratio of surface sediment was 8.24 in average (6.77-13.01), and abundance and species diversity of benthic foraminifera were 10,470 individual in 20 ml of sediments and average 3.4, respectively, in the surface sediment, although OM deposited by farming was about 7-19 cm in thickness. The effect of abalone farming on benthic ecology and geochemistry was not distinct. In the northwestern sea of Pyeongil-do and Cheok-do (Zone A), the sedimentation rate was very low (average, 0.23 cm/year), the C/N ratio was high (St. No. 9: 18.50) and Elphidium advenum known to inhabit in the entrance sea area of bay was dominantly distributed. In the adjacent sea area of Pyeongil-do and Cheok-do (Zone A), however, the sedimentation rate was very high (average, 1.73 cm/year), Epistominella naraensis known to inhabit in the open sea area was dominantly distributed. It is consequently thought that abalone farms of northwestern sea of Pyeongil-do and Cheok-do are influenced by the fast flow of Deugryang Bay, and abalone farms of adjacent sea area of them are influenced by the open sea. As mentioned above, these coexistence of various sedimentary environment in farm is thought to be caused by topographical characteristics with irregular coastline of Rias type.
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