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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Identifying Latent Classes in Adolescent's Self-Determination Motivation and Testing Determinants of Classes


The present study classified groups based on latent profile of self-determination motivation(amotivation,external motivation, intrinsic motivation), and examined the determinants for each group. The data wascollected through panel data of Korea Education Longitudinal Study(KELS), total 5,459 participants whoanswered questionnaires of self-determination motivation of two times both second grade of middle schooland second grade of high school. To identify the change motivational type, standardized residual wasconducted using SPSS 17.0., and the latent classes for the change of motivational type was investigatedusing M-Plus in the frame work of Latent Profile Analysis(LPA). The results indicated that fivegroups(increase of self-determination, self-determination maintenance, self-determination developmental delay,elf-determination confusion, decrease of self-determination group) were classified based on latent profile. Inaddition, parental control, academic self-concept, teacher-student relationship, test anxiety, avoidanceorientation, gender, father's education, and income were significantly related to each group. Lastly, theimplications for directions of the adolescent counseling, limitations and future research are discussed.

자기결정성 동기, 잠재프로파일분석(LPA), 종단연구, self-determination motivation, Latent Profile Analysis (LPA), longitudinal study



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Korean Journal of School Psychology