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Korean Journal of School Psychology


The mediation effects of responsiveness experience in online space on the relationship between attachment styles and intimacy


Since the emergence and development of online space, online communication becomes more popularamong adolescents. The aim of this study was to examine how attachment styles would predict changesin responsiveness experience in online space, which, in turn, affect the level of intimacy with close friends. A total of 650 adolescents (males 49.9%, females 50.1%) with an age range between 14 and 17completed a questionnaire three times in a 6-month interval. Latent growth modeling was used to test amodel in which changes in responsiveness experience would mediate the relationship between attachmentstyles and intimacy. Results supported the linear change model of responsiveness experience. Avoidantattachment was negatively associated with the initial level of responsiveness experience. Anxious attachmentwas positively related to the initial level of responsiveness experience, but negatively predicted the changesof perceived responsiveness. Finally, the implications, limitations, direction for future studies were discussed.

SNS, responsiveness, intimacy, attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, SNS, 반응성, 친밀감, 회피애착, 불안애착, 잠재성장모형



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Korean Journal of School Psychology