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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

Characteristics of Academic Hatred Explained by Self-Determination Motivation: A Study of High School Seniors


This study examined the relative influence of the five factors of the self-determination motivation on academic hatred. A total of 938 high school seniors (female 535, 57.0%) across eight schools in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi province were surveyed a month before Soo-neng (College Scholastic Ability Test). The findings of correlation analyses and hierarchical multiple regression analyses were summarized as follows. Academic hatred showed significant correlations with all the self-determination motivation factors except for introjected regulation. For hierarchical multiple regression analyses, starting with amotivation, the motivation factors indicating low level of self-determination were entered in order. In the final model, amotivation and introjected regulation had positive influence on academic hatred, and intrinsic regulation had negative influence on academic hatred. Specifically, introjected regulation which had no significant effect on academic hatred with amotivation and external regulation showed significant effect after identified regulation was added. Identified regulation lost its significant influence after intrinsic regulation was included. This study was meaningful in that it was the first study to clarify motivational characteristics of academic hatred based on self-determination theory. The study also presented its limitations, implications for school counseling intervention, and directions for future research.

academic hatred, self-determination theory(SDT), academic emotion, academic attitude, academic burnout
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Korean Journal of School Psychology