This study aims to investigate the relationship between perceived parental psychological control and self- esteem, as well as to examine the mediating role of maladaptive self-oriented perfectionism, in elementary school children. The participants were 423 fifth- and sixth-grade children in the Daegu and Kyungpook areas of Korea. Children evaluated their mother's and father's psychological control; maladaptive self- oriented perfectionism; and self-esteem in four areas-general, social, family and school. Children tended to display lower self-esteem and higher maladaptive self-oriented perfectionism when they perceived parental psychological control to be high. Those exhibiting high maladaptive self-oriented perfectionism also tended to display lower self-esteem. Maladaptive self-oriented perfectionism partially mediated the relationship between perceived parental psychological control and school self-esteem. These results suggested that high parental psychological control is a poor parenting style for furthering children's healthy psychological development.
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