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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Thermoluminescence Dating of Pottery Shards by Subtraction Method

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2000, v.13 no.4, pp.403-411
Shin, Hyun-Sang
Lee, Chang-Woo
Nam, Young-Mee
Jee, Kwang-Yong
Park, Byung-Bin
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This study described a method of thermoluminescence dating of pottery shards using subtraction method. TL measurement was achieved using two different types of samples prepared by quartz inclusion method and fine-grain technique. Fine grains (size range: <TEX>$5-10{\mu}m$</TEX>) were separated by suspending grounded pottery samples into acetone solution and sedimentation quantitatively. In quartz inclusion method quartz grains in the size range of 90 to <TEX>$125{\mu}m$</TEX> diameter were obtained by extracting the quartz crystals embed in the pottery shards and etching them with 1.0 M HF solutions. The archaeological dose of both the quartz and fine grains was determined from the dose calibration curves obtained from sequential irradiation of <TEX>$^{137}Cs$</TEX> gamma and <TEX>$^{241}Am$</TEX> alpha source to the samples and TL measurement of natural samples, in which the alpha dose of 4.60 Gy for the Packjae pottery was obtained using subtraction method. Annual alpha dose rates (<TEX>$3.05{\pm}0.11$</TEX> mGy/yr.) were determined by the analysis of U, Th contents in the pottery shards and evaluation of the values with Bell's equation. Dividing the alpha dose accumulated in the pottery shards by the annual alpha dose rate, we found age of approximately <TEX>$1508{\pm}80$</TEX> years B.P. (AD. ca. 492 yr.) for the Packjae pottery. It matches well with the archeological age estimate (middle of 5th century) within 10 percent uncertainty and thereby conforms the age of the pottery sample.

TL dating, pottery, subtraction method, archeological ages

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