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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Development of AAS and Determination of metals in airborne particiles.

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2003, v.16 no.3, pp.226-231

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We analyzed the concentrations of heavy metals associated airbone particles by using AAS made by both a domestic manufacturer and one of the foreign manufacturer. One model developed by a domestic manufacture showed excellent results in the selected wavelength with an excellent performance of a monochromator. It abandons a big drop except a fine drop to improve reproduction in atomizer, so that no remains should leave. Using the low pass filter we were able to reduce a noise of detection signal. The performance of our equipment was found to be highly compatible with that of a foreign company as we achieved the detection limit of about <TEX>$0.015{\mu}g/L$</TEX> using a standard solution of Au. The PM samples had been collected from by main observation points in 7 areas of Seoul city from 2001 to the spring in 2002. with these PM sample we analyzed the concentrations of Pb, Cu, Mn, Cd, Ni, Fe, Cr, Co, Mg and Al.

detection limit, monochromator, atomizer, PM sampler

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Analytical Science and Technology