• P-ISSN1225-0163
  • E-ISSN2288-8985

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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Determination of cimetidine injection by square wave voltammetry

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2010, v.23 no.1, pp.68-73

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In order to develop the square wave voltammetric method determining cimetidine in an ampoule for injection, 5.00×10−4 M cimetidine·HCl solutions prepared with phosphate buffers of various pH values (3.01~8.97) were investigated by SWV. The well defined single peak due to the electrochemical reduction of -C=N-C≡N- in the structure of cimetidine moved towards the cathodic direction by -0.051V/pH as the pH values were increased indicating the involvement of hydrogen in its reduction. The calibration curves of cimetidine·HCl in the concentration range between 1.00×10−5 M and 5.00×10−3 M prepared using three phosphate buffers yielded the slopes of 127,407nA/M (pH 3.01), 115,125nA/M (pH 5.00) and 111,287nA/M(pH 7.00) with excellent linearities of R2 0.9997. When one ampoule of Tagma Inj.® was analyzed by standard addition method by SWV, the within-day precision study (n=4) on the day of sample preparation resulted in the contents of cimetidine as 203±3.8 mg (102% of the specified contents, RSD of 1.9%) and the inter-day precision (n=4)through 5 days was reasonable as 1.3% of RSD.

cimetidine.HCl, square wave voltammetry, electrochemical reduction of -C



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Analytical Science and Technology