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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Sorption of aqueous uranium(VI) ion onto a cation-exchangeable K-birnessite colloid

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2010, v.23 no.6, pp.566-571

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This paper describes the sorption behaviors of aqueous uranium ions on the K-birnessite. K-birnessite was synthesized by adding a concentrated HCl to an aqueous solution of KMnO4. Physicochemical characteristics of the K-birnessite, such as structure, specific surface area and surface charge, were investigated. K-birnessite is a layered material and the K+ ions exist in the interlayer of layered K-birnessite. BET specific surface area of the K-birnessite was 38.30 m2/g. The surface charge of K-birnessite was -1.65 C/m2 at pH 5.00 and ionic strength of 0.010 M NaClO4, at which the sorption experiments of uranium ions were carried out. Uranium ions were incorporated into the interlayer of the K-birnessite by cation-exchange reaction with K+ ions, and the distribution coefficient is quite similar to those of common ion-exchange materials. The results might be applicable in the retardation of migration of radioactive materials from the underground disposal site of high-level radioactive waste.

K-birnessite, ion-excahnge, uranium, surface charge, distribution coefficient



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