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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Composition and pollution characteristics of PM_(10) and PM_(2.5) particles at Gosan site of Jeju Island in 2008

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2011, v.24 no.4, pp.310-318

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The collection of atmospheric PM_(10) and PM_(2.5) particle samples was made at Gosan site of Jeju Island,which is one of the most representative background sites in Korea. Their chemical compositions have been analyzed to explore the pollution characteristics and emission sources. The mass concentrations of PM_(10) and PM_(2.5) particles were 37.6±20.1 and 22.9±14.3 μg/m^3, respectively, with the content of PM_(2.5) to PM_(10) as 61%. The PM_(2.5)/PM_(10) ratios of nss-SO_4^(2−), NO_3^−, and NH_4^+ were 0.94, 0.56, 1.02, respectively, indicating that these components were distributed mostly in the fine fractions. Based on the factor analysis, it was found that the compositions of fine particles were mainly influenced by anthropogenic sources, followed by soil or marine sources. The results of the backward trajectory analysis indicate that the concentrations of nss-SO_4^(2−), NO_3^−,NH_4^+, nss-Ca^(2+), and Pb were high when the air parcels moved from the China continent, while relatively low with the air parcels coming from North Pacific Ocean and/or East Sea.

<TEX>$PM_{10}$</TEX>, <TEX>$PM_{2.5}$</TEX>, chemical composition, Gosan site, backward trajectory



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