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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Analytical method development for residual metamizol in meat using LC/MS/MS

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2011, v.24 no.4, pp.237-242

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In this study, an analytical method was developed for residual metamizol in beef and pork using LC/MS/MS. 4-methylaminoantipyrin (MAA), the main metabolite of metamizol was targeted for analysis instead of its parent compound. MAA was simply extracted from meat by acetonitrile, purified and then analyzed by multiple reaction monitoring method (MRM). Standard addition method was used for calibration. The calibration curves showed the linearity of r^2 > 0.99 for both matrices included. The developed method was validated by six-time intra-lab tests and inter-lab tests with two other institutes. The validation of the whole procedure for beef showed the intra-lab accuracies of 78-102% (CV 5.5-9.1%) and the inter-lab accuracy of 98% (CV 14%);the intra-lab accuracies of 95-99% (CV 3.9-5.6%) and the inter-lab accuracy of 111% (CV 13%).

LC/MS/MS, MRM, MAA, Residue



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Analytical Science and Technology