- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
In this study, we measured the time-resolved optically stimulated luminescence (TR-OSL) of Paleolithic paleosol quartz and evaluated its lifetime. Considering the lifetime dependence on the preheating applied after irradiation, the radiation exposure, and the optical pulse stimulation, we found that the optimum measurement condition for determining the lifetime of paleosol quartz was the optical pulse stimulation at a dwelling time of 250 μs, pulse width of 10 μs, and sweep number of 100,000, without preheating after 100 Gy of irradiation. Based on the dependence of the lifetime on the reading temperature, the thermal quenching activation energy ΔE and thermal assistance activation energy Ea were evaluated as 0.60±0.14 eV and 0.053±0.029 eV, respectively. These values were in good agreement with those reported in the literature. Therefore, we concluded that the resulting kinetic parameters for paleosol quartz are quite reliable.
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