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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Compensation in LPLEC GaAs Single Crystals

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
1992, v.5 no.2, pp.213-216
Ko, Kyung Hyun
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Semiinsulating GaAs crystals employing LPLEC technique should be grown from the Ga-rich melt due to a very low incorporation of unintentional impurities such as carbon (<<TEX>$10^{15}cm^{-3}$</TEX>). High resisitivity of this material can be derived from the balanced compensation among not only EL2 deep donors and carbon acceptors but also H1 double charge native acceptors(Ev + 77meV, Ev + 200 meV) and H2 native acceptors(Ev + 68 meV). Considering of the complicated compensation mechanism using statistical calculation of the electron occupancy of each level, SI GaAs crystal with low impurity contents(<<TEX>$10^{15}cm^{-3}$</TEX>) can be successfully obtained by maintaining the melt composition around 0.45 As mole fraction.

LPLEC GaAs, Ga-rich melt, Compensation

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Analytical Science and Technology