It is a peculiar phenomenon in Korean film history that Korean literary films of the 1960s drawn by national policy and producing capitalists had been popular. The novels had been applied to literary films in order to guarantee popularity and art. It could be roughly classified to four types for the novels applied to literary films were became popular in the 1960s. There are enlightenment stories and love stories, historical novels, local color stories, War and Postwar Stories as well. These novels had extended from 1917 till the latter of 1960s, which had been included popular appeals for audiences as well as film-industrial demands. In spite of national interferences and conspicuous claim for profits, it had been contributed to making Korean diverse films through providing stable storyline and leading film techniques the novels had applied to literary films in the 1960s. After the 1960s, most of Korean have found that the novels applied to literary films were representatives of Korean novels, for the novels had many chance to contact with the populace through the literary films.
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