ISSN : 1738-3188
This paper deals with motif extension on television visual narrative. The Motif can be extend by the casual relationship time and logic as a controlling idea. These narrative aspect changes by the digital paradigm like a digital game which is nonlinear and procedural narrative. This study aims to look at this point of view throughout "Lost", an American serial television drama whose spatial scene in on a mysterious tropical island after plane crash. In narratives, dealing with the changes of events accompanied by the time elapsed, and that moment extended motif. The former linear literature like novel or film which is ruled by syntagmatic extension. however in the "Lost", totally different from former linear literature. In the "Lost", represented with juxtaposition between the narrative of the past and that of the present. Like this, the narratives are extended by paradigmatic rules and then narrative's nonlinear development dualized in each character become multi-stratified and rich with articulated combination. This fact causes unpredictable conclusion arousing various imagination. In this way, the motif with paradigmatic extension contributes to the formation of the nonlinear and multi-stratified narratives.
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