ISSN : 1738-3188
This paper aims to examine the Manchuria-Western genre which were produced from 1960s to the early 1970s as a sub-genre of ‘Daeryukmul’ and a appropriative genre of Western movies. Hollywood western movies have imported since 1945 largely and have influenced on Korean Action films. The Spaghetti- Western movies hit the big time in Korea since the middle of 1960s and led to the full scale appropriation of the Western movies. The result were Manchuria-Western films such like <A homeless wanderer> (1968), <An eagle of a wildness>(1969), <Cut off the Chains> (1971). The Manchuria-Western genre regarded just as the films for amusement. So ironically, the Manchuria-Western movies implied diverse desires which were not taken by main genres or Art films. the Manchuria-Western films opened up the new space of imagination which had capacity for the amusement such like fun, joke, game. In conclusion, the Manchuria-Western films means a kind of passive resistance against the dichotomy times. And it means also a kind of experimental genre which was formed between the genre and the genre. So it enables the crossover genre films such like <The good, The bad, The weird>(2008) in the digital era.
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