This dissertation intends to examine the multicultural situation in Korea with the theater of Park Gun-Hyung from 1989 to 2009. Park Gun-Hyung is worth noticing as the most outstanding play writer and theater director. Though many critics have been judged his works as rediscovery of everyday life, I intend to notice them as the family narrative. Family is the basic factor in everyday life, which is revealed through the family relations ; that is, everyday life consist of family relations. This is the reason why I regard his works as the family narrative. Family narrative is the strategy to come out individual identification in society. This is the point I will notice in his work. To examine the multicultural situation in the korean society, we must his ten-year-work which have been questioned family identification in the korean society. For about ten years, Park Gun-Hyung has built strange parafamily in the stage to inquiry what is the meaning of family in our times and the construction process of strange parafamily is performed as the Familien Bühne in the stage. Deconstruction of the traditional family -ideology and construction of new family identification is the important process in the Familien Bühne. Analysing his Familien Bühne in the theater text, I can consider family identification problem and multicultural situation in korean society.
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