In the childhood, Kim Seung-ok had lived in Suncheon and Yeosu, and when he grew to be a novelist, he often chose these small towns for his novels' literary places by representing them in the specific direction. In this paper, I tried to explain the discursive effects of his literary choices. In the concrete, I wanted to investigate the conflicts or antagonistic relationships between the signifying method oppressed by the censorship and anticommunism and his own method as he wished to persue. For this purpose, I took the con/text-reading method because this is a effective Methodological approach to explore author's spatiotemporal politics. And to conclude, I insisted that Yeosu and Suncheon had been political places because of the Yosun Incident before the appearances of Kim Seung-ok' novels. It means he replaced the politically signified Suncheon and Yeosu with the literary places. But this is the narrative strategy to remove the history and ideology. That's why it's the outcome of compromise of the censorship and anticommunism.
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