There are many Gaze to work for the various Subject in Manchurian travel narrative in the last of Japanese, which visits hear and there the boundary between colonizer and colonized. This one's Gaze sometimes appear sharply as differentiation and identification, with this, the traveler may reconstruct his identity. Therefore, this article was grasped a point of Post-colonial strategy and a method by considering one's Gaze to others and a method of identity configuration as a centering Manjurian travel narrative written by Lee hyo-seok, Lee tae-joon and Lee seok-hoon. In the case of Lee hyo-seok, he composed the Subject by disidentificaation with colonist in Manjurian travel narrative, and described Manjuria with an aesthetic autonomy point of view. He found Other-ness from various ethnic cultures that was mixed in Manjuria and considered universality and contingency of beauty an culture by sophisticated sense. However, to pursuit of the aesthetic life based on both diversity an contingency had a limit in the point of which was on the basis of post-historization. Lee tae-joon composed the Subject by counter-identification with colonizer, on the other hand, watched Manjuria with an enlightenment point of view. He identified Manjuria as Other-ness based on cultural essentialism, on the other hand, with resisting to the goal and policy of Japanese, composed the Subject of chosenjin or himself by a method that imitates the logic of the colonial Subject, namely a method of Counter-Identification. But, such method may be produced a situation where support the Subject that rather deny regardless of his intention. Lee seok-hoon described the policy of Manschoukuo in the conformity point of view, composed the Subject by identification with colonizer. He expressed a desire for constructing in Manjuria an enlarged territory of Chosun as 2nd grade of imitated colonizer, as devoting himself to one body-japan-chosun that is logic of colonizer. However, he had been realized belatedly to have a limit that the ideology of one body-japan-chosun couldn't be an ideology of colonizer logically.
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