ISSN : 1738-3188
This paper is for experimentally conceiving the ground frame of storytelling ability education that reflects and leads the changes brought by the development of electronic media. I examine the basic concepts related to storytelling putting stress on story, and provide the establishment of the initial situation of story as a method of teaching fictional narrative writing. The concept of ‘narrative’ needs to be redefined in a broad sense leaving behind the narrow meaning in the context of literary narrative. Story which is the kernel of narrativity exists standing aloof from media and branch, thus the categories of narratives also transcend them. Story exists in an abstract dimension in-between abstract meanings suggested by concrete features depicted in its text. Storytelling is ‘making a narrative’ which produces texts by describing a story in certain forms and media, that is, acts to form, express, and experience things. In a digital environment using various media in a compound way, storytelling comprises the wribi narrating activities. Therefore, storytelling education also becomes a writing education in a broad sense beyond the traditional category of creative writing. Both the fictional and n defictional are the objects of it and it unites things that a eduutotelic and commercial-utility-oriented. It is desirable to teach in an activity-centered way comprising both writing and making and to divide contents and steps based on the classification of story and narrating levels. For this education to be done effectively, it is necessary to reorganize the curriculum and system of universities of Korea. What matters in the education on story level is setting a central event. Especially in the beginning stage of education, the establishment of the initial situation containing conflicts is the major effective material to be educated. I suggested a way to develop concretely and in a unified way the process of evolving conflicts and the eventual situation by putting the opponents on the subject matter.
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