ISSN : 1738-3188
Koryo sokyo ‘Gasiri’ Song of the Koryo Dynasty, but also similar in the present, as in many times a song is made up of similar sentiments. ‘Gasiri’ folk in the first place was called by the people himself, to transcend time and generations, many of these were among the consensus. ‘Gasiri’ gained the sympathy of the public called the universal emotions of love and breakup dealing with an honest attitude of the speaker revealed the familiar and easy to use, because the expression. Sokyo considered basically intact the properties of ordinary sub-culture supernatant with Ginny but marginal by their creation, have been transmitted. Time was enjoyed by people of the characteristics of folk musical attributes, combined with the court as evil, more complex and sophisticated forms will be changed. Folk songs, people’s lives and is closely related. The people were singing folk songs of the tough life they reflect the sentiments of the populace with a focus on culture, when you view the property, folk and pop songs that are sufficiently paramount relevance. This is their roots in folk and popular songs sokyo consideration will have a close relationship. If there are differences in sokyo royal courtesan and the king, was enjoyed by passport and they spread through the private sector, but the performances from popular music, and broadcast by the public via the media will be more widely enjoyed. Another sokyo through the remaining portion of yin and titillating the taste of the songs express the emotions alive and the acquisition of the literature, but popular music is creative, focusing on the commercial. Koryo sokyo ‘Gasiri’ the separation of the people who lived in the era of love and reflects the feelings and emotions. Was a folk ballad that was originally due by the original. But the popular songs ‘Gasiri’ sokyo considered differently 'by the people’ rather than work under the song, ‘public order’ work under the song. For this reason, ‘gasiri’ aspects of the transformation, while maintaining a flow of colorful patterns. Since the 1970s, many songs released so far, ‘Gasiri’ for each song that were released at that time reflected the flow of popular music. Most popular song ‘Gasiri’ the emotion of the original song intact, revealing the creative period of the most popular symbols that were added. Such acceptance and transformation over the course of popular music ‘Gasiri’ close to the original story also appeared in the form, and was far from the original script. In the future, ‘Gasiri’ Is the public to call to hear a favorite for many people will be reborn again and again to provide emotional cleansing will give you the power to live. In this sense, considering sokyo ‘Gasiri’ Staying in the past, but now the song of songs, and even the future will be known as the song.
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