ISSN : 1738-3188
The modernization in Korea has been proceeded in conjunction with the reorganization of the space in the capitalist way as much as in the western modernization. In this process, the space was considered to be empty and neutral, and also something to be objectively manipulated in terms of economic efficiency or by characteristics of planners. As a result, the dwelling spaces in Korea appeared to be a dwelling machine where the capitalist ideology merged with the patriarchy is encapsulated. Individuals have experienced the sentiment of placelessness while being affected by this process as well as actively participating in it. Here, the sentiment of placelessness means the feelings of loss for deeper connection with the meaningful places. However, the placelessness does not only have the negative side. When imaging the possibilities of social change based on the possibilities of open space, the placlesslessness means the emancipation of the everyday life which seems to be depoliticized. At the same time it also means the possibility of the community beyond the rigid boundaries of individuals. As such possibility, the placelessness is rather a chance for new attachment to the place and new relationship with it than deprivation and abandonment of the place. We need to take it to consideration, however, that both sides of placelessness are based on the materialistic condition which is deprivation of housing rights. Speculating on these issues around the house, this essay takes closer look into the recent Korean films which dramatize the 'homeless-hikikomori couple narrative' and tries to imagine the alternative way to resolve the oppressions around the dwelling space in Korea.
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