A ‘real variety show’, one genre of the celebrity entertainment shows originated from Infinite Challenge (Muhan Dojeon) 8 years ago, is gaining continuing popularity. Although a variety of real variety shows are broadcast on several TV channels, representing a wide variety of formats and casts, they usually do not last very long. In particular, the TV celebrity entertainment shows are under the social and cultural influence, so their lifespan is getting shorter and shorter. Under these circumstances, the power of Infinite Challenge which has been broadcast for as many as 8 years is really amazing. The reason why ‘Infinite Challenge’ has been loved by the public for a long time can be the successful characterization and the growth and variation of the characters based on it. Infinite Challenge ingenuously combined fiction and reality and created images of the characters of seven fixed members. This way of establishing the images of characters leads to sympathy and laughter since it causes viewers to identify with the celebrities. The growth and variation of the Infinite Challenge characters can make stories with new forms and formats through this process. When the personalities and relationships of the characters are built concretely, they can create another narration and laughter sufficiently in spite of the central description that is rather weak. Muhan Corporation (Muhan Sangsa) series is the episode that made the best use of the characters of the cast of Infinite Challenge. It may safely be said that Muhan Corporation series is a single sitcom dramatized by creating the power relationship with the characters developed for 8 years and condensing them into each role. This means that the series is in accordance with the excellent form of narration, exquisitely being in harmony with the process of symbolization of the characters, narrative and the way of creating laughter. This narrative strategy and utilization of comedy of Muhan Corporation series enrich the narration of Infinite Challenge and help the show to go beyond the bounds of repetition-the limit of esthetics of the television show. And the strategy of Muhan Corporation resolves the problems of present Korean real variety shows and proposes the right direction at the same time.
MBC TV <무한도전>
2011년 5월 21일 250회 <무한상사 야유회>
2011년 10월 8일 270회 <무한상사 오피스 특집>
2012년 1월 14일 284회 <신년 맞이 특집> 1부
2012년 1월 21일 285회 <신년 맞이 특집> 2부
2012년 9월 29일 297회 <추석특집 무한상사> 1부
2012년 10월 6일 298회 <추석특집 무한상사> 2부
2013년 4월 27일 327회 8주년 특집 <뮤지컬 무한상사> 1부
2013년 6월 1일 332회 8주년 특집 <뮤지컬 무한상사> 2부
2013년 6월 8일 333회 8주년 특집 <뮤지컬 무한상사> 3부
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