As having a dual otherness and subject of on-going, girl explicitly shows the inherent contradictions of a specific society. From this perspective, to analyzing the texts which focused on girl means to reveal the relationship between subjects and others in Korean society. This paper aims get two objects. through multi-layered reading on the process of constructing the parents' sexuality as well as that of girl's and peculiarities of the relationship between family and public authorities represented in <My Daughter Rescued from the Swamp>(Lee Mirae, 1984) which had broken with the popular tradition of 1970's high-teen films. First, this analyzing would let us know ways of representing which new military junta of Chun Doo-hwan blasts the private realms as a contaminated one. Second, the results of storytelling of this film is going to reveal the means how governmental authority tries to justify themselves through purifying the family life including problems of sexuality and reorganizing the private realms. Finally this study shows that <My Daughter Rescued from the Swamp> is rocked in the ruling ideology of the first half year of 1980's and strengthen the regime of new military junta by forcing dominant-hegemonic reading. But in spite of these limits, the last sequence of this film which produces the possibility of oppositional reading could imagine the crack of ruling system of new military junta.
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