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근대 일본에서 ‘소녀’라는 문제-나카가와 히로미(中川裕美), <소녀잡지로 보는 「소녀」상의 변천-만화는 「소녀」를 어떻게 그렸는가>

A Question of “Girl” in the Modern Japan - The Transformation of “Girl” Image Seeing through Girl’s Magazine: How the Comics Represented “Girl”

대중서사연구 / 대중서사연구, (P)1738-3188; (E)27139964
2015, v.21 no.3, pp.323-345
김소원 (상명대학교)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


Nakagawa Hiromi’s work The Transformation of “Girl” Image Seeing through Girl‘s Magazine: How the Comics Represented “Girl” is a discourse on a concept, “girl” which was formed since modern times. An image of “girl” has been transformed by several media of Japan. Furthermore, this image of “girl” symbolizes part of Japanese culture. Until now various studies of “girl” have been progressed and that is what a discourse of “girl” image is an important reason. A history of “girl” started from “female student” which was derived from an operation of public education. In addition, “girl” has a very special image which was created by “girl’s magazine.” Nakagawa Hiromi analyzes and criticizes synthetically discourses on “girl” which was explained by several scholars after a study of Honda Masuko. By extension, she made an attempt to analyse “girl” in the shojo manga. The “girl” in the comics has been excluded from studies on “girl” by this time although that is very important. Therefore, Nakagawa’s study has a great significance in that it led the “girl” in the comics out into the field of serious “girl” discourse. This book review points out a few of problems of Nakagawa Hiromi’s analysis on “girl” and presents new discourse on “girl.”

소녀, 소녀만화, 소녀잡지, 소녀문화, 쇼죠망가, 망가, girl, girl’s comic, shojo, shojomanga, girl’s magazine, manga, girl’s culture



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