This paper is based upon Director Park, Jong ho <Hagsajujeom> (1964) and Director Jung, Jin Woo <Chou(Early Rain)> (1966). Director Park and Jung’s work illustrates youth from lower-class who carves social recognition and wants to uphold their life to upper middle class. Their dream was to get away from the poverty which was expressed during the 60’s literary works. Those youths from lower-class wandered around even after they graduate from community college. Moreover, these youths are not from a wealthy family, upper class, nor they do not have a decent bachelor degree from a well-known university. Lower-class youths usually do not have a unique characteristic where they can shine their ability. However, those youths would often move and live in the city to have a better life for their future, but in reality, they were not able to get away from the poverty on their own. The urban poor would often have thought that they would actually live prosperous life through the middle or upper-class women by marrying them and thought that they could be seen as a successful person and be recognized by the others Moreover, as the traditional order and class identity debacle, the government preached that individual has to try their best to succeed in their lives in order to have equal opportunities. The public also tried and sought to achieve accordingly. Four films were causing a crack in the contradictory character of contemporary society point each in a different way. In of <Hagsajujeom> and <Chou(Early Rain)> clearly showed the failure of those youth especially protagonist who wanted to get married to a rich woman by joining the ranks of the people, but eventually failed. When their plan failed erroneously, that protagonist either committed suicide or turned into violent and abusive to show the society that they are also one’s citizen. These resembled as either 'the poor' or 'straggler' that Korean society did not accept them as a citizen. As a result, they expressed themselves through extreme enmity and anger towards Korean society. In <Hagsajujeom> and <Early Rain(Chou)> showed the other side of youths achieving goals and success towards the wrongful emotional expression. These structure of feelings in 1960 showed pathological signs(carves social recognition ) which were problematic that presented in the films.
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