This study aims to discuss aspects of Korean Webtoon Studies and find the points that emerge for humanities and social communities. Webtoon platforms have changed, and webtoon stories and storytelling strategies have advanced, so studies on them need to be more complex. Summaries of webtoon studies are provided to characterized the diverse nature of the research. Topics include using webtoons for educational purposes, comparing Korean webtoons with those of other countries specific points about webtoons readers (consumers), topics and themes of webtoons, and copyright and legal activities related to making webtoons. The discussion also covers teaching how to read webtoons, topics and themes of webtoons, and the too concentrated studies of webtoons(special creators, works). Thus, this study makes two suggestions as follows: first, researchers should locate more special creators' and their works(webtoons) so that more studies can be published. ; second, researchers should consider 'mania' readers-what they wish to read in the texts. In conclusion, there are positive and negative points : in previous studies. Thus, other researchers can find more points to address through this study. However, some effective approaches and points of view, such as 'remediation' have not been covered in existing research. Such points may be addressed in future studies.
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