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  • P-ISSN1738-3188
  • E-ISSN2713-9964

박경리 문학의 여성인물 원형 연구—초기 단편소설을 중심으로

A Study on the Prototype of Female Characters in Park Kyung-Ri's Literature—Focusing on Early Short Stories

대중서사연구 / 대중서사연구, (P)1738-3188; (E)2713-9964
2018, v.24 no.1, pp.449-479
장미영 (숙명여자대학교)


The purpose of this paper is to explore the female prototype in Park Kyung-Ri's literature, analyze the character and qualities of the female characters revealed in each prototype, and to clarify the social implications. The prototype of female characters appearing in the early short story novels can be classified into three types ― first, unmarried women with a self-denied identity; second, a mother who is responsible for the family's livelihood; and third, a passionate woman who focuses on sexuality as a woman. However, the qualities and behavior of these female characters are individual traits and cannot exclude the societal interactions and influences that women must experience in the psychological and physical spaces of the post-war society. The conflict and growth experienced by these women's figures not only demonstrates the sense of the times, but also the reality that women face from a gender-world-based perspective and the aspects of double standards that are discriminatory against men and women. A woman who struggles to survive as a subject and establish her place in a sexist society is a differentiation and a general consensus of the author's persona. Through these characters, the author provides a useful basis for understanding the irrational reality that women face among others, and the internal conflict that girls in the printed world must experience. The prototype of the female characters in the early short story novel Park Kyung-Ri not only reveals the change of the living space and the process of subjectifying women but also evolves by sharing the character and qualities of female characters as protoplasm through the entire Park Kyung-Ri literature. The prototype of the female character in the early short stories of Park Kyung-Ri is not only an early product of the period, but also a clear representation of the female identity process, and the evolutionary nature of the female character and evolution through literature. The originals of the female figures interact with the times and are revised and strengthened throughout the author's literature to reach The Land of Mrs.Yoon, Choi Seo-hee, Seok-hyeong, Bong-shung, and Wol-seon.

공감, 장 이론, 생활공간, 여성인물 원형, 철벽녀, 모가장(母家長), 열정녀, empathy, field theory, life space, female characters, impregnable woman, breadwinning mothers, passionate woman



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