This study is on Theater Newspaper, a public relations magazine published autonomously by each theater and production company in Seoul in the 1960s. A method of publicizing a movie through media will be discussed specifically on the basis of a program issued by the business circles in the ‘heyday’ of Korean film. First of all, the theater newspaper is divided the entity of publication into the publicity department of a theater or a production company as the material available for reading a trend of business community in that the position and goal of the publicity department in a theater and a production company are delivered without processing. Also, the readers of theater newspaper were those that were potentially attendees of theater, beyond the movie fans or the specialized reading population. Accordingly, the theater newspaper tried to attract the readers’ attention by diversely mapping out pictorials and others, and published behind-the-scenes insights of the movie production that may interest readers. Sequentially, the theater newspaper emphasized audiences’ responses, contained theater-related information, and has a characteristic such as preparing for an event for luring readers as potential audiences. The theater newspaper aimed to ultimately promote a motive. But the publicity department, which is the main agent of publication, attempted to make the film ‘information magazine’ while arranging the specialized reading materials such as the detailed information on movie personnel or as the in-depth film review with having own sense of mission. This study had the objective of broadening the horizon of a research on film media by multi-laterally examining the publication entity and the reading population, and the contents composition and orientation through discussing the theater newspapers in the 1960s. There is a limit as saying of having taken research subject only as the currently-secured volumes. However, it is expected to become the foundation of considering a trend of movie circles at that time from different attention from the days so far.
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